Curated 1-on-1 connections are a cornerstone of Paired. Opt-in to get matched with a fellow Paired member for a virtual or in-person coffee.
You must opt-in to get a curated connection.
These connections are curated by the Paired team to create a new, valuable relationship within the community.
What Paired members say about 1:1 Connections:
- "This was my second 1on1 Paired convo and it hit the mark perfectly, yet again. This conversation illustrated the quality of the Paired network for a second time."
- "It's really refreshing meeting new people in this way. Happy hours and parties can be overwhelming, but creating new 1:1 connections like this helps ensure you're getting out of your comfort zone and meeting new, interesting professionals. The paired network is wonderful."
- "As an investor, I was matched with a founder and we had a lot of background in common! We really enjoyed speaking from different vantage points of the ecosystem. A very enjoyable conversation and I look forward to attending an event together soon."
- "Great to connect with a fellow Founder / CEO to share ideas, challenges, and the unique experience we're both going through."
- "The pairing I didn’t even know I needed. Thank you!"